Hey friends with kids! We have a SPECIAL OFFER for you!
Since many of us are stuck at home, a friend of the Million Year Picnic — Harvard Instructor Jason Wiser — has offered to teach a class online, Intro to Comix Creation, to kids 8 and older. This would be a one-week class, running from Monday, 23 March 2020 through Friday, 27 March 2020, live at 11am and going for an hour each day. Each lesson will be recorded so that if you are not available for the live version, you or your child can watch it later that day. But note that Jason has already lined up a teaching assistant to help him respond to questions in real time. He’s also hoping to organize the students into small chat groups with kids of the same age (Note this is why we are asking for the names and ages of the children enrolled.)
– Intro to Comix Creation
– $50 per household (five 1-hour classes)
– Monday, 3/23 through Friday, 3/27 at 11am
– Please provide your email address (for the URL to connect you and your child to the class; no special software is needed; you’ll receive the link about a half-hour before class starts at 11am) as well as the first name(s) and the age(s) of your child (or children)
Payment can be made in person at the Million Year Picnic (99 Mt. Auburn Street in Cambridge), on the phone with a credit card (617-492-6763), or via PayPal to blanton7772000@yahoo.com (but please don’t email that address; put your email and the names/ages of your child/children in the “Add a note” section).
We will cap this class at 50 students, so act fast! Registration ENDS on SATURDAY, 21 March 2020!
Wiser is a Harvard Instructor of Comics, Animation, and Game
Development. His comics work has been published in the Boston Globe, his
animation has appeared on the Disney TV show “Greek” and the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, and his published games include the
award-winning cooperative card game for kids “Monsters in the Elevator” (www.YayaPlay.com/MITE).
PLEASE SHARE THIS AROUND! Even if you don’t have kids, your friends might be interested! Jason is kindly letting us keep the proceeds of this venture to raise money for the shop while we’re all practicing social distancing.
Thank you,
The MYP Crew
99 MT Auburn ST (downstairs)
Cambridge, MA 02138