In celebration of National Black Business Month, the Cambridge-Somerville Black Business Network (CSBBN), the Sustainable Business Network of MA (SBN), and Cambridge Local First (CLF) are holding the Passport to Black-owned Businesses Event on Saturday, August 21, from 12-5pm. An exciting combination of bingo and trivia, this event will encourage community members to interact with and support Black-owned, local businesses in Cambridge and Somerville. This group is excited to feature 12 businesses from Cambridge and Somerville in this event (including us!) and will provide everything you need to participate!
Each participating business is listed here and can be found on this map. The businesses will each have a page in the “passport.” Participants will ask the business owner or employee a trivia question in order to get their passport stamped by the business.
You can download your passport here OR pick one up at any participating business on the day of the event. A grand prize made up of items from the vendors will be raffled off to participating customers. To enter the raffle, email the answers to at least three of the trivia questions or send proof that you have participated virtually to allison@sbnmass.org.
The grand prize will be a gift basket featuring gift certificates from Black Sheep Bagel Cafe, Great Eastern Trading Company, and Tokens of Light; a bar of vegan artisanal soap or a bath bomb from Artifact Soapworks; a signature sweatshirt from Tokens of Light; a dinner for two from Pikliz International Kitchen, & MORE!
Anyone is welcome to participate! To take part, view the rules and vendor list here.