This Saturday (12/3) and Sunday (12/4), the Million Year Picnic is delighted to host members of the Boston Comics Roundtable who contributed to various issues of BOSTON POWERS, the collection of superhero comics for kids set in and around Boston.
Signings will run from noon to 3pm on both days, with different creators rotating through the shop!
Here’s the schedule:
SATURDAY (12/3/2022) 12-1:30
– Mark Borok
– The Minks (Troy and Lavinia Minkowsky)
SATURDAY (12/3/2022) 1:30-3:00
– Michael Saver
– Kurt Ankeny
– Reggie Themistocle
SUNDAY (12/4/2022) 12-1:30
– Maria Varmazis
– Crispin Wood
– Patrick Flaherty
SUNDAY (12/4/2022) 1:30-3:00
– Juan Williams
– Dan Mazur
– Deb Lang
The sixth issue of Boston Powers just came out a few weeks ago and is now available for sale! The new issue features 4 all-new stories, colorful, funny and fun, and more-than-appropriate for ages 8 and up. Kids from Massachusetts might even recognize their own hometown or neighborhood in any of these locally-set adventures.

The new issue features the return of several Boston-based heroes from previous issues:
–– Earthboy, the environmental kid-hero guided by the spirit of Henry Thoreau takes off from the Boston Aquarium to face a fiendish fisherman, The Boston Angler. Written by Scott Harris-King, drawn by Reggie Themistocle.

— The Conductor‘s heroic exploits again revolve around the “T,” this time she meets a new villain, the Forgemaster, by Jason Doring, writer, with art by Ben Humeniuk.

— The Blue Lobster claws his way back to the pages of Boston Powers, this time entering the BPL to take on the ravenous Bookworm. By Dan Mazur.

— Plus a new character, The South End Avenger, premieres in a tasty adventure from the team of Deb Lang and Robert Christie.

— And once again a spectacular cover by Kurt Ankeny.
All stories are by Boston creators (with a few special guest out-of-town collaborators).